Friday, January 21, 2011

Five Question Friday

1. Where did you meet your spouse and did you instantly know it was love?
We met from a mutual friend. I was 14 and he 15. We dated most of high school and then went our own ways. 8 years later while visiting my home town we ran into each other at a party. 3 months later I moved back to my home town and 3 years later we were married. February 4th marks our 16th Anniversary.

2. What is your favorite room in your house?
I guess I would say the livingroom. We recently redone it and I feel great about it. A fresh coat of paint makes all the difference.

3. Can you wiggle your ears?
Heck no. My husband can but it kind of creeps me out.

4. What is your evening ritual?
Usually I like to watch a little tv but lately since I started my blog I like to relax and unwind working on it.

5. How many hours of sleep do you need to function?
I need about 9. However, I seem to function on 6 ok. I drink alot of caffein.


Mommy and Me Giveaways

Hi! I'm from Bloggy Moms, I am following you and grabbed your button, please do the same for me! Thanks!


Hi! New follower here! My husband wiggles his ears, too. I think it's weird and hate when he does it. :)


It's (Jessica)Cheapskate Life from Bloggy Mom's! I'm now following you! You've got a cute blog goin on!
1. My husband and I met through mutual friends who set us up to be in the same house playing a card game! I didn't know it was first love, but I did know I liked the fact that my kids knew him first (like 4 mos or more before me). They loved playing and goofing off with him. I knew that he would be a great dad, and now we have a little one together too!
2. My favorite room isn't really a room. I have a very small house, but a living room that's a little larger than normal, so I sectioned off a very small section of it. I just recently organized it with nice containers that are colorful and warm. I do a lot there, including my college coursework, blog writing, researching, coupons, card-making, and crafts.
3. I CAN wiggle my ears, but sometimes it isn't very noticeable!
4. I watch tv, check and tweak my blog, as well as some homework.
5. I need at least 6 hours of sleep, but really I need to have about 9.

Predictable Me

A huge thank you to my newst followers. I hope I don't dissapoint you by having such a slow start to my actual blogging. I believe more in quality then quantity and try and write about things interesting to others. 50 followers in a little over 2 weeks.... Im excited. Thank you all

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